The Times Tables Video (2 to 6)

Wednesday 06 September 2017 at 7:16 pm

My daughter was told to learn her times tables over the summer holidays, and I wanted to come up with a way of helping her remember, and a project for both of us to get involved in.  As I have access to a live blues band, I thought a song would be the ideal thing, and we then made this silly video together...

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Biiiig Face

Wednesday 25 March 2009 at 11:16 am

Harry Hill Big Face

This makes me laugh till I’m sick. Every time.

Cat pics

Thursday 29 January 2009 at 9:12 pm

Two comments

Tom Jones-inspired dwarves.

Tuesday 27 January 2009 at 3:43 pm

Tom Jones is a bit odd. Here is a list of 7 words which could also be names of dwarves. That is all.


Which Brings Us Nicely Onto Horses...

Saturday 13 December 2008 at 2:16 pm

Horses d'oeuvres to start, naturally, with a de-canter of wine.

Mane course:
Paddock & Chips
Welsh Rare-bit
Mince Piebald
Shetland's Pie
Appalloosa Crumble
Marsca-pony Cheese
(Horse) Chestnuts - Roasted On An Open Shire
Stable D'Hôte
Soup Of The Hay

If You Were To Eat Dog, What Dishes Would You Have?

Friday 12 December 2008 at 08:47 am

Labrador & Chips
Pekingese Duck
Beagle Baguette
Border Curry
Chihuahua Chow Mein
Sheepdog En Croute
Collie Coriander
Yorkshire Terrier Puddings
German Shepherd's Pie
Pot Poodle
Husky Rusks
Walnut Whippet
Bichon Fricassée
Pug Roast
Schnauser Salad
Cornish Westie

One comment

Cable ties, cable ties

Tuesday 09 December 2008 at 09:48 am

To be sung to the tune of 'Edelweiss'

Cable Ties, Cable Ties
Used for tying up cables
Small and white, ties them tight
Use in your roof or your gables

And so on. Suggestions for further verses will be... er, ignored, probably.

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